In times of crisis, such as the one recently experienced as a result of Covid-19, many companies go through complicated situations.
At these moments, it is necessary to be advised by experts who carry out an analysis of the crisis situation, who evaluate the option of relaunching the company, who study and draw up Viability Plans, and who present, if necessary, a request for the filing of an application for the declaration of the Insolvency Proceedings (Concurso de Crededores).
At THM Asesores we have the professional experience of Eduardo Molina Rodríguez, a recognized and expert Insolvency Administrator who fulfills all the necessary professional facets for this matter, such as being an auditor, chartered accountant, accountant, economist and lawyer.
The following are some of the contests administered by THM Asesores:
Within Bankruptcy Law, we can classify it in three possible scenarios:
The current economic crisis caused as a consequence of COVID-19 has caused all kinds of entrepreneurs to find themselves in the unpleasant situation of not being able to meet the debts of their business, entering into a situation of sudden insolvency, or even future insolvency, as they know that in the near future it will be impossible to continue to meet their payment obligations.
We are well aware of the anguish and problems that insolvency proceedings and the “second chance” can generate for those affected. For this reason, at THM Asesores we are experts in this complicated branch of commercial law, which is why we have been practicing for many years as Bankruptcy Administrators and providing legal advice as private lawyers throughout the country to companies, professionals, freelancers and all kinds of people to process this procedure in the most satisfactory way for their economy.
Whether you are the owner of a company, or you are a creditor who has been unable to collect, contact us, we will advise you and we will give you a legal solution according to your interests, accompanying you throughout the entire extra-bankruptcy and bankruptcy proceedings.
The Second Chance Law has opened the doors to those self-employed and private citizens who, as in the case of companies, have ended up in a situation of insolvency, in which they are unable to pay their debts.
The Second Chance is in fact an insolvency proceeding that must be initiated and guided by a professional expert in the matter.
Therefore, if you believe that your current economic situation does not allow you, or will not allow you, to be able to pay the debts you have contracted (loans, microcredits, credit cards, mortgage, car, etc.), contact us to find a legal solution to your problems.
As a result of the economic crisis caused by Covid-19, there are a large number of companies that are in delicate financial situations, although they are not insolvent, they estimate that they may become so in the short or medium term.
At THM Eduardo Molina & Asociados we have specialists in the global and coordinated advice that establishes adequate measures to restructure the company’s debts and, therefore, its survival.
Debt restructuring procedures are processes that involve a complex legal structure, covered by the Pre-Bankruptcy Law, so it is important to have professionals who can help the company when reorganizing the debt, preparing a viability plan and facing an appropriate refinancing plan.